People speed for a reason ...

Speedwatch can identify what that reason is. We can write letters with different content to taxi drivers with passengers, parents on the school run, people on motorbikes, men or women in powerful two-seated sportscars, drivers of empty or full buses, delivery van drivers and (equally important) their employers, who often put high pressure on their tight delivery schedule, etc.

IF we write the same content to all of them, not a lot will take notice. If instead, we tell them about the wide-ranging, personal consequences of serious or fatal collisions caused by other drivers in identical circumstances and life situations to their own, many more will pay attention. It becomes far more relevant to them if the same situations, type and make of vehicle, purpose of trip, speed on impact, and driving conditions match those of their own. If all this information lead them to a real-life example that went horribly wrong; where someone was killed as a consequence of driving too fast under identical circumstances; that real fact can change everything.

On the other hand, if Speedwatch catch them again - and again, showing that they have chosen to ignore these initial warnings, the scheme has potentially identified an antisocial element to their driving behaviour. In that case police intervention is not far from being applied in a surprisingly focused manner. Because Speedwatch and the police as a result of their reoffending hold a catalogue of data describing where, how, when, in what vehicle, in what direction, and at what speeds they are usually travelling - there is enough data for the police to enforce the law at a time and place where and when the driver will least expect it.

Police forces connected to CSW Online do exactly that - not just because it is easier and more justifiable, but because it is far more effective.
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