CSW Online provides a bespoke web-based platform and application designed to assist the police and their proactively engaged community groups with every conceivable aspect of managing their involvement with observing and reporting speeding vehicles.

The organisation of Speedwatch volunteers at national level is vital to reach the full benefit of community involvement with addressing the speeding problem educationally. The necessary efficiency to succeed with this aim can only be reached if everyone follows the same rules, standards, methodology, routines, formats, and outcomes.

The application manages a high number of schemes, optimises efficiency, and handles big data. The bespoke software is designed and continuously being further developed to refine the volunteers' invested efforts having the biggest impact on reducing the problem of speeding in their local area.

The CSW Online team continue to work closely with academic institutions to define, research, and expand the methodologies, scope, and outcomes from Speedwatch groups' activities to save lives, improve quality of life, and make their roads safe for everyone to use.

Therefore, the National Speedwatch Organisation is not only seriously engaged with - and positively influencing how the concept is evolving: we are also innovators working tirelessly to elevate community involvement to levels of efficacy only achievable with grand-scale, uniform organisation.
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